Client projects

  • PWA :: Productions Point A - Client Portal

    Every Events organiser and most of all Wedding planners need to have a good way of communicating with his clients. With this custom Web App, Productions Point A is able to regroup everything he needs into 1 page. Informations, Ressources, instant messages, files, forms, invoices, calendar and more!

    PWADesktop AppCraft CMSEvents Planner

  • PWA :: Metonor - Metal Quotes

    Metonor used to have multiple .xlsx files to calculate every product they had. Having more 1300+ active products, it became a necessity to have something easier and more user friendly to keep track of all the prices. With this custom Web App, Metoror can Administrate every products details and be in "Sync" with the live metals price market. Including live price update every 5mins, quotes, customs settings for every retailer and more!

    PWAAutomationVueJs / FireBaseLive market price

Open Source projects

© Vincent Bourdeau - 2020 | WebApps + Websites developer. Montreal, Quebec
💻 Built with VueJs & FireBase 🔥